miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Triple Ryona video!

Im lvl 90 in Atlantica Online to celebrate i did this video while redownlaod Sword 2 (fu** you gamersfirst!) lots of people send me messages about more Elementalist and Princess ryona videos ok here you go!

And this guys are my favorite monsters for Ryona videos because they hit a complete column that means 3 hits in 1 attack
(If you know Atlantica Online i just did "Machine Shrine Dungeon" let me know if this game have more "Gun-type" monsters in next dungeons)

Oh yeah i forgot!
Elementalist 3D model: http://youtu.be/bMiO8hmeOqg (READ DESCRIPTION!)
Princess 3D model: Uplaoding atm im gonna post link tomorrow
Yukata female Main 3D Model: Im working on this because Ndoors blocked this 3D model from game and maybe the new ones.

Have fun with models
And if you dont know how to open this models, wait till tomorrow im doing a small tuto to open them because are ".NIF" models you need "NIFSCOPE" software (its freeware) you can donwload it here:

 I have more videos about princess and Elementalist (that princess and that loli...melt my p....prisioner) im gonna upload more of them!

Ryona 4 All!

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