miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

The Moving to a new life =)

Hi guys im posting this cause im gonna move from my country to Mexico due Work bussiness. Sorry if taked me a lot for this videos, then enjoy the videos im gonna post more videos later! (i cant say any estimated time)

See ya and thanks for support =)

Kuromaru vs Tifa

Sailor Neptune Fall!

Really thanks for the support my little pervs! See you later!

Im gonna back, maybe 4 days, maybe 1 week, maybe 1 month not sure, but ill be back!

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012


Ok sorry everyone i got another infraction (how i suppose to delete my H-videos if my account is "desactivated"? Youtube logic ftw :herpderp:)

youtube logic FTW!

Ok im uploading all on my backup accounts dont worry then everyone move to RyonaSupport (my backup account) i only gonna upload Ryona videos on that account and Mugen previews, on 4shared (link coming soon) H-Mugen videos and in other 4shared account (link coming soon) the H-videos

All linked to this blog so dont worry. To the guys asked for the other game videos or Mugen, i already have some mugen videos, but im busy reuploading all on the support account (all are unlisted atm then you only gonna see a blank account) stay tunned for more videos and sorry for the incovenience.

Reuploading all videos: On going
Upload the request on Mugen: postpned
Do more videos about "that game": postponed

To all my spanish-talker followers
PD: A los hispano-hablantes que sean mis seguidores, proximamente me mudare a un pais hispanohablante (no se preocupen me llevare todo mi Ryonastic trabajo conmigo), asi que les pediria por favor que comenten en espaniol y les respondere en espaniol para practicar mi espaniol. Si notan algun error fatal en mi escritura por favor haganmelo saber. Disculpen mi mal espaniol y disfruten su estancia en "Ryona 4 all".

PD2: Entiendo muy bien el espaniol pero no se formar muy correctas mis frases para exprearme es por eso que quiero practicar aqui tambien si es posible.

PD3: EPIC PM IS EPIC! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT SEVER ANON! (yes he dont want the credit)
Im gonna upload videos in a new server, this is a little "Stress test" then feel free to watch the video.
Test 1 - reupload of Minotaur vs Senna my first H-mugen video

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

I forgot something...

I forgot to say my account is banned for the next 2 weeks (till 21 feb), i cant respond to messages on youtube or PM. Please leave your questions here in comments.

Im not gonna say the name of the backups till i reupload all. Stay tuned and dont worry im gonna say the name here and post links here and only here! Dont trust on other forums or websites who have my same name (RyonaNoob) im only gonna use my official Avatar Dark Magicial Girl in youtube channel and Alicia (our pet) in Forums and other sites

Stay golden

INTERNET DONT FAIL ME! (20kb/s upload! yay! *sarcasm*)

"Save the ryona!" Operation in progress...
-Download all my videos... DONE
-Create the back-up accounts... DONE
-Divide hentai and Ryona videos... in progress
-Reupload all videos on backup accounts... In progress
-make the request... Postponed

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012


Well my account is blocked till 26 of feb.

The health of my acount is low so if you guys want to download my videos, that time is now! I already have some videos on my HD and dont worry im gonna do an alt account (or maybe 2) and upload all the content there.

This time the video flagged is "AGA" not sure why they deleted cause only plp who knows the link can see it xD

The usual trolls flagged the video, they can flag all my videos but its imposible stop me. I can create tons and tons of accounts on youtube

Have a nice day! (oh yeah one account is to upload content and the other is the backup)

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Happy 2012, Meilin Chen ryona and xnalara Pictures!

Hi my little pervs, yes happy 2012, the mayan calndar says we gonna die this year then lets do a RAGE RYONA PARTY THIS YEAR! in our games of course we have this year really great games with nice ryonastic potential...oh well i know you hate long text walls so lets move to the videos!

First i got a good news in my mail i got a free Meilin Chen (Rusty hearts) she is cute and 75% of her movements have pantyshots. Still a little low lvl but im gonna lvl her more...and of course gonna do more natasha in a future!

Well thats a good ryona, and this year i founded a really really great program called "Xna lara" you can download your characters and pose them. its reallly great and have endless posibilities! (yes in ryona and other less perv themes), im still a but noob using Xnalara but i hope you like the images i created, of course gonna do mor images in a near future just stay tunned to this album!


Some images!
