lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Happy 2012, Meilin Chen ryona and xnalara Pictures!

Hi my little pervs, yes happy 2012, the mayan calndar says we gonna die this year then lets do a RAGE RYONA PARTY THIS YEAR! in our games of course we have this year really great games with nice ryonastic potential...oh well i know you hate long text walls so lets move to the videos!

First i got a good news in my mail i got a free Meilin Chen (Rusty hearts) she is cute and 75% of her movements have pantyshots. Still a little low lvl but im gonna lvl her more...and of course gonna do more natasha in a future!

Well thats a good ryona, and this year i founded a really really great program called "Xna lara" you can download your characters and pose them. its reallly great and have endless posibilities! (yes in ryona and other less perv themes), im still a but noob using Xnalara but i hope you like the images i created, of course gonna do mor images in a near future just stay tunned to this album!

Some images!


13 comentarios:

  1. Hi~

    Nice blog!! I just want to know that are u able to do some R video about "Oneechanbara Vortex", cause I really can't find any... It's really great if u can do some of them~~ Thanks

  2. He doesn't have an xbox 360.

  3. too bad.. but still love this blog

    Well Oneechanbara Vortex is a movie...and about Oneechanbara games you can found some in youtube.

    btw yes i have a Xbox360, PSP, PC and a PS3 (and a death PS2) the problem is: I dont have a record card lol

  5. LOL

    What a shame.. I dont mind if u record it with ur phone camera.. I bet it has memory card inside~ XD

    1. yes but the quality is really really poop you just gonna se a bunch of pixels

  6. How's your rusty heart character leveling going? :P

    1. Not really fast, due to all the shit about ACTA/PIPA i go to manifestations.

      But are ok my meillin is 15 and natasha is 20 so not bad.

      gonna play more next month stay tuned!

    2. Didn't really get the first sentence, is ACTA/PIPA already in effect? If not, I hope it doesn't :(

  7. Hey there, I've been trying to contact you for awhile now, regarding your MUGEN videos, but I can't find any contact information.

    Would you be willing to have a short chat with me?
    I'm sure there is much we can share with each other.

    1. Ok but I'm not free everytime...

    2. Just send me a comment on my youtube channel or leave the comment here =)

  8. Do you still have the Rusty Hearts videos? They were taken down. I know it's unlikely, but thought I'd ask
