miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

I forgot something...

I forgot to say my account is banned for the next 2 weeks (till 21 feb), i cant respond to messages on youtube or PM. Please leave your questions here in comments.

Im not gonna say the name of the backups till i reupload all. Stay tuned and dont worry im gonna say the name here and post links here and only here! Dont trust on other forums or websites who have my same name (RyonaNoob) im only gonna use my official Avatar Dark Magicial Girl in youtube channel and Alicia (our pet) in Forums and other sites

Stay golden

INTERNET DONT FAIL ME! (20kb/s upload! yay! *sarcasm*)

"Save the ryona!" Operation in progress...
-Download all my videos... DONE
-Create the back-up accounts... DONE
-Divide hentai and Ryona videos... in progress
-Reupload all videos on backup accounts... In progress
-make the request... Postponed

4 comentarios:

  1. I'm waiting for you!!! by Snake.

  2. I'm waiting for you(3) by tpokaidma.

  3. Thank you for your effort and we are very happy to support you. I hope the unpacking wasnt a total pain in the ass. Hopefully you settled in nicely
